About Me

Get to know more about Me


As told in my introduction I'm an student at the National University of Colombia, in the Computer Engineering degree. I started my education on 2016 when I was 16 years old, my goal when I choose to study this degree was to develop videogames. However, as the time passed by the Data analysis and Back-end develop became some of my prefered areas to work on. Finished secondary school at the New England School, in which I studied from first grade until I graduated. Education as you can notice has always been part of my life, and I'm always looking for online courses and tutorials to keep fresh my knowledge on tecnology matters.

Life & Hobbies

As a young men I try to keep a balance between work, education, family and being social. For me having free time to spent with friends or family is useful to keep my mind clear and performing better in other matters such as my developer work or at the university. Some of the hobbies I have are listed below, with a small description, each one to a separate information/blog page in which I discuss more about those things.


Playing and also watching videogames are key for me. My goal still is to develop videogames and staying in touch with the indsutry via videos or forums, therefore, in this blog I try to give my opinion and also discuss about what other think.

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Trying to come up with ideas and starting to develop them is kind of a hobbie. Most of my ideas I work them with a couple of friends of mine. If you want to take a look to what we have done, and what ideas I have feel free to.

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Working fast and coming out with solutions is one of the skills I have worked on with the hackatons. Been there with friends from the university and came out with some clever ideas, most of them we can't finish in the short time the hackatons have, but nevertheless the time spent there teach great things.

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