About me

I'm Tom Erick Perez a student of the National University of Colombia in the degree Computer Engineering, with focus on databases, data analytics and full stack development. With the intention of learning and working together with other areas of knowledge to be able to apply technology in problem solving and contribute my knowledge. Excellent communication and teamwork, with great leadership and decision-making skills.

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Skills & Abilities

My skills are divided in Soft Skills and Technical skills, such as programming languages or cloud services I have worked on. For me skills and abilities are something to rely on when there is a problem, therefore I work to improve them (with new challenges) and always learn new ones.

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Work Experience

Thanks to my eagerness and willing to learn, I have worked in several places for my short age. The experience I have in each one of this places, help me become not just a better developer but a better person too. Working with different disciplines or teams, helped me become more of a interdisciplinay engineer adn therefore deliver better results depending of each teams needs.

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This is a list of the projects made by me or that I have participated in, at university, Hackaton or just as a side project. Feel free to check it out and discover all the stuff I have made. Also below each project is a description of the technologies used, such as programming languages or Frameworks.


This is a project made in the University with the purpose of serving as a hotel booking app, specially for small and medium business in towns of Colombia.

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Data for Decision

A colombian startup specialized in the data analysis and management of the resources from small to medium financial entities.

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A Project made at the University with multiple Microservices, similar to Pinterest and with a lot of languages and frameworks involved.

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An Start-up in which I work as a Fullstack developer and head of the recommendations area. A social Network for not only university students but for the knowledge within it.

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